After read his biography I can see that from the begining of his life, his humble to give great service to others is the main key why he can reach the life like now. Dr. Radius Prawiro said in his book about Jonathan L Parapak that Mr. Parapak think as learner and servant, and then it become the key to achieve his goals.
Want to be a Boss? Be a Servant First...
6 comments: the boss for yourself
Jonathan Parapak?? Kayaknya keren..
*Siap siap googling..*
Humm ... udah 3 tahun lalu yah kalo gak salah pak Jonathan Parapak ngomong ini ... jadi inget masa lalu ...
very good quote, i think i just learned something. thank you.
yup, it is logical concept. Of course, being a successful bos must know what is it felt by a servant
Thank's for him, moga-moga Taruk-Taruk Muda Toraja tumbuh seperti beliau juga. Servant for Our All expecially to our Nation ... Indonesia.
Asmar Sampe Polan
Amurang - Minahasa Selatan
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