At 30 January 2006, I fly to East Indonesia, have some business with my friends here. In first night, I sleep later and then wake up earlier here, because here is GMT+9 and my origin is GMT+7.
When i travelling to another place, sometimes i should adapt with new timezone. Sometimes because timezone each place is different, I got wake up too late than other people in that place, and sometimes earlier. Finding the word, and i found word "jetlag".
Jet lag (aka "jetlag" or "jet-lag"), is a physiological condition which is a consequence of alterations to the circadian rhythm. Such alterations result from shift work, transmeridian travel, or altered day length. They are known as desynchronosis, dysrhythmia, dyschrony, jet lag, or jet syndrome. The condition is generally believed to be the result of disruption of the "light/dark" cycle that entrains the body's circadian rhythm. It can be exacerbated by environmental factors.
Jetlag Recovery
The condition of jet lag generally lasts a few days or more, and medical experts have deemed that a recovery rate of "one day per time zone" is a fair guideline. Sleep, relaxation, moderate exercise and sensible diet seem to be the simplest recovery agents. Good sleep hygiene promotes rapid recovery from jet lag.
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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
sebenarnya soal kebiasaan saja. untuk dapat beradaptasi dengan waktu setempat biasanya tidak hanya makan 1-2 hari tapi bisa berminggu minggu bahkan berbulan bulan. umumnya yang terjadi bila kita mencoba menetap lama di daerah yang memiliki waktu lebih cepat dari tempat kita biasanya sebelumnya, umunya yakni rasa timbulnya rasa malas. misal tidur malam jadi lebih malem, soalnya mengganggap, ah di jawa masih baru jam 9 malem.. dan keesokan paginya.. wah di jawa masih pagi nih... masih baru jam 5 pagi... kondisi yang serba tidak teratur inilah yang bikin masalah fisik, seperti mudah lelah dan seolah olah waktu berputar sangat cepat.Belum lagi masalah kebiasaan matahari terbenam dan terbit.
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