Monday, May 12, 2008

Repair MySQL Database Crash

I just noticed in the last post that some part my database is crashed. Some table of this blog need to be repaired. I working on this problem, and found that its not a too serious crash (for me), because I still can repair it using MySQL repair function.

FYI, when a database crash and you can repair it, you possibly can lost data or some data can be truncated. So, if you have important database, don't forget to do regular backup.


Bidai said...

I have some problems with the MySQL database. I was interested in the link "MySQL repair function" but it seems not to work.

erwin said...

allow bro.... boleh tanya ga neh... mysql database khan bisa simpan data laen selain text aja ya... bisa berupa file.... ya jd pertanyaan g.... database mysql tuh make nya kapasitas mana yah>>> waktu daftar webhosting khan ada keterangan spacenya.... kalo spacenya cuma 1GB... khan cepat habisnya.... tapi kenapa mysql nya sendiri ada keterangan tersendiri yah???? 10... 20.... hingga 50.... atao unlimited... tu sedenarnya jumlah tabel yang dimaksud atau gmn mgk???? kurang jelas sih...hehehe thx yah atas infonya....

Wahyu said...

MySQL itu juga penyimpanannya dalam bentuk file, sehingga ukuran file maksimal untuk database MySQL tergantung dari space hostingan dan juga limit besar file di sistem hostingan. Untuk hosting linux bisa lihat max file siza dengan perintah di console 'ulimit -a'

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