Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Analysis on The Protection of Intangible Assets on The Start-up Companies in The Field of Information Technology in Indonesia

I wrote this tesis to meet most of the requirements achieve the degree of Bachelor of S-2 at Master of Economics of Development Program, Faculty of Economics And Business, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta.

Intangible assets are divided into identifiable intangible assets and unidentified intangible assets. Some intangible assets that can be identified include: trademarks, inventions or trade secrets, and copyrights, while some intangible assets that can not be identified is in goodwill and human assets. This study aims to analyze the protection of the intangible asset in start-up companies in the field of information technology in Indonesia.

The study was limited to the management of trademarks, patents and trade secrets, copyrights, goodwill, and human capital. The analysis showed that the protection of intangible assets in start-up companies in the field of information technology was conducted, but has not been fully implemented, because there are several factors that are considered important but not yet implemented by the companies.

Business firms should optimize the protection of intangible assets owned, as an intangible asset is an important asset in the company based on information technology. The government also needs to provide adequate socialization regarding intellectual property rights to the start-up companies in the field of new information technologies is established. In addition, the process of registration of intellectual property rights should be more easy and can be done at a reasonable cost.

Download my full thesis here:

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Personal Review of Airports in Papua

Papua have many locations that isolated from sea, without land road to reach some areas. The main vehicle to reach some area is using airplane. This is some airport in Papua visited by me.

Dekai Airport (DEK)
Dekai airport also known as Nop Goliath airport is airport located in Yahukimo Regency, Papua. This airport length is about 1200 m with asphalt surface. The biggest aircraft that landed to this airport is Trigana Air with ATR-42 and ATR-72 aircaft. The main problem of this aircraft is, there is no airport fence so anywone can pass runway at operating hours. The airport also doesn't have ATC (Air Traffic Control). The airport also doesn't have fire fighter in case of emergency in the airport. The airport also doesn't have runway light.

Wamena Airport (WMX)
Wamena airport is main hub of central Papua. With runway lenght more than 1825 m, the biggest aircraft that can landed to this airport is Boeing 737-300. This aircraft have ATC to control traffic, and have firefighter in case of emergency. The problem is there is no airport permanent buliding because of fire in 2011. Passengers boarding from temporary waiting room.

For smaller aircraft there are so many airstrips in villages and districts, with lenght about 600-800 m, some of them with grass surface. Of course the airstrips have very minimal safety.