This morning our family have new member, a Betrix The Ice. The Ice is an electric bike made in Taiwan. The seller said that by using this bicycle, I only cost me IDR 500 (USD 0.06) a day for maintenance. Compared with our car daily use (IDR 25000 / USD 2.7 a day for just gasoline) and after did some math and calculation, I got cost about IDR 4000 a day until it's my-own-estimated terminal value. We finally decided to buy this electric bicycle for daily use, because my home to my workplace is only about 7 km and I promise to reduce the cost of car use to compensate with daily cost of Betrix. I hope it will reduce the total of my our family spends each month.
Betrix have so many variants, including electric scooter. But, I prefer using The Ice, because it's like a bicycle, rather than scooter or motorcycle. After I tested the cycle, it have maximum cruising speed 40 km/h and maximum cruising range for about 60 km.
Before decided to buy electric vehicle, our family decided to buy a conventional bicycle, but after knew that the pricing is almost same compared with Betrix, we decided to buy this. I think we have no problem with conventional use of Betrix by cycling it using our foot because our family do routine exercise using 'bike simulator' (this is an fitness/fat burner toolkit but I call it simulator) everyday and burn about 50-100cal.
With my Electrical Engineering degree, I have crazy mind that someday after the guarantee card is expired I'll put some solar cell charger into its body, so it will charging in daylight without need external power except 'hybrid power' with my foot.
Hi there, I'm interested in purchasing an electric bike too! May I know where you bought your Betrix Ice from? And how do you find out about electric bikes in Indonesia? Thanks!
The scooter was painfully slow with a range of about 4 miles before the new battery would be depleted (compared to a 20 - 25 mile range on the old battery). I took it back again. electric bikes nz
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