Yesterday I got mail (not an email) from Google with information about Google Adwords. I already have Adwords account few years ago to promote Global Intermedia. The fun thing, Google gave me free advertising voucher in the amount of ID 400,000. I think Google have my address from Google Adsense account.
After I read carefully the steps inside the mail to enter voucher code in the Adwords account, I dissapointed, because it written that voucher can only used on a new account (maximum 14 days old).
Anyway, thanks to Google for offer me free voucher.
Dulu pernah juga dapat yg beginian, tapi bingung mau dipake buat apaan...
I also got, but in Malaysian Ringgit of course. Google gave to everyone who register with them. It's a discount voucher, that's all. Nothing great unless you are promoting your websites.
Benaran Gak sih nie iklan... saya curiga karena adwords paastinya dari toh? bukan
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