Saturday, December 31, 2005

Language in Speech Communication

CommunicationIn our daily life communication skill is very important. If we want to send information to others, we can user our own way to communicate with them. Communication can be done via verbal, speech, signals, writing, or behavior.

Speech communication is the aural form of transferring ideas, thoughts, instructions and/or directives utilizing the speaker's vocal cords and mouth to stimulate the air, thus causing waves of sound to strike the audible receptors of the hearer, resulting in a transformation back into mental images and/or symbols to allow the receiver to process the meaning of what has been said.

In many companies, language skill needed for communication process. This is including business communication between company and intra communication between employee in the company. I remember last year when I attend a course at my school, the speaker said that in the international company, English language skill is very important, because English language used in so many country in the world.

I asked my friend who join to an international company and got information that they also use language other than English in daily communication in office. They use local language because it easier to understand, since most of employee in the office is local people. And sometimes they using mixed language.

I also remember Mr. hadi, my English teacher in my high school said that he met two people, one from Australia and the other from Indonesia. The Australian understand Indonesian, but cannot speak Indonesian, the Indonesian understand English but cannot speak English fluently. So finally they do communication with their own language, Aussie speak using English and the Indonesian sepak using Indonesian, and no problem faced in their discussion. Just maybe too strange for other people who know and listen the discussion.

I can take this from my own mind:

Good speech communication happen when you understand what I said, great speech communication is when you do what I said, and there is no language border in it.

So, the language border actualy is not a problem in speech communication. If we still have problem in speech communication, we can use signals, behavior, or writing to help speech communication.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

How to Manage, Stop Fear and Worrying

Dont Worry 'Bee' HappyFear is an unpleasant feeling of perceived risk or danger, real or not. Fear also can be described as a feeling of extreme dislike to some conditions/objects, such as: fear of darkness, fear of ghosts, etc. It is one of the basic emotions.

We don't know about our future, and we fear about it. Thats called worry. Wory and fear are source of unhappiness. This is happen in almost all people in the world. Certain situations throughout life are particularly likely to make us feel worried.

Once acquired, the habit of worrying seems hard to stop. If your worries aren't at least as frequent as your bowel movements, you're seen as irresponsible, childish, aimless. To the extent that worrying is learned/conditioned behaviour, it can be undone. There are psychological gimmicks for undoing the worry habit. There are also obstacles.

How to stop fear and worry? This is my opinion about how to start worrying:

Sunday, December 25, 2005

This is Christmas 2005 & Happy New Year 2006

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Christmas is a traditional Christian festival marking the birth of Jesus. Most, although not all, Christians observe this festival on December 25th. Some do not celebrate it at all. However, Christmas is now celebrated as a holiday by many people and cultures besides Christians, and indeed many Christmas traditions originated with pre-Christian observances that were subsumed into Christianity (e.g. Saturnalia, Yule or the Winter Solstice).

In predominantly Christian countries, Christmas has become the most economically significant holiday of the year, and it is also celebrated as a secular holiday in many countries with small Christian populations like Japan. It is largely characterized by gifts being exchanged within families and being brought by Santa Claus, Father Christmas or by other mythical figures. Local and regional Christmas traditions are still rich and varied, despite the widespread influence of American and British Christmas motifs disseminated by globalisation, popular literature, television, and other media.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Software Quality Assurance & Quality Control

Last night I talked with my Mrs. Tatik, Rita, Menik, & Noorchia. Mrs. Tatik asked me about software quality assurance. First I wonder why she so interested in IT, since she is studying in MSI UGM. Then I aware that in all kind of business, we should give great quality assurance for customers.

I remember that from history,we can see that failure in software engineering can cause big damage and deathly. You can read in Baselinemag. One the example that just happen is failure in Tokyo Stock Exchange last 2 weeks, where there is a system software error that cause USD 225 million lost.

In engineering and manufacturing, quality control and quality engineering are involved in developing systems to ensure products or services are designed and produced to meet or exceed customer requirements and expectations. These systems are often developed in conjunction with other business and engineering disciplines using a cross-functional approach.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Top 20 Replies by Programmers to Testers when Their Programs Don't Work

I think this is funny for software developers who have so many experience on software engineering. There are top 20 replies by programmers to software testers when their programs don't work:

20. "That's weird..."
19. "It's never done that before."
18. "It worked yesterday."
17. "How is that possible?"
16. "It must be a hardware problem."
15. "What did you type in wrong to get it to crash?"
14. "There is something funky in your data."
13. "I haven't touched that module in weeks!"
12. "You must have the wrong version."
11. "It's just some unlucky coincidence."
10. "I can't test everything!"
9. "THIS can't be the source of THAT."
8. "It works, but it hasn't been tested."
7. "Somebody must have changed my code."
6. "Did you check for a virus on your system?"
5. "Even though it doesn't work, how does it feel?
4. "You can't use that version on your system."
3. "Why do you want to do it that way?"
2. "Where were you when the program blew up?"
1. "It works on my machine"


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Everything in the Internet and Mobile Communication are Very Fast

I aware that everything in internet and mobile communication world is very fast and almost without border. Not just years, months, days, or hours, the information and decision can be judged in the minutes or even seconds. A day in internet world mean expired for some people.

Remember Herman Saksono case? After he caught, then in few minutes and few hours, the huge amounts of information and support came accross the nations via weblog and also via messenger.

Few hours after that, Mas Priyadi, also got information via slanderous SMS to his cellphone, in just few time after the SMS created by unknown people.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Support Freedom of Speech in Indonesia

My friend, Herman Saksono caught and investigated by police, because did mockup photos of President Republic of Indonesia SBY, and post the picture in his blog posting. I think that not a problem if we live in country like USA. I'm not politician, but as an Indonesian, I just want to say:

This is just my personal comments, and not related with any organization.

Related News:

Related Blogs:

The insurances houses are providing their customers with a variety of services which include cheap insurance plans for the life insurance. The range of services that the insurance companies are offering are very diverse in accordance with the needs of the customers starting from the boat insurance to instant home insurance plans. There are also so many fraud insurance companies in the market which take money from the customers and donĂ¢€™t deliver the services.

The Origin of Murphy's Law

I talked with Pakjo Simduk, the leader of Yayasan Sumber Mulya, that publish "Renungan Harian" & "Renungan Mingguan", and also an employee at Jogja City Government. He talked to me about his thesis when he studied at FISIPOL UGM. He said that Murphy Law is good law that can applied in entire of daily life, political, sports, and also including his bicycling hobby.

Then I tried to find out some articles and look at Murphy's Law. It's very fun, and i feel that the quotes in this law is so fun to read.

The Origin of Murphy's Law

"If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it."

So who was Murphy anyway?

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Abraham Maslow's Law About Needs

Maslow HierarchyThere is so many reasons in life about why people do something. People do work, do school, because they have needs. Each people have their own motivation, from covering daily basic needs (foot, water, etc), freedom, power, sex, and the self-actualization. I remember about Abraham Maslow with his theory. I quoted some from another website.

Abraham Maslow developed the Hierarchy of Needs model in 1940-50's USA, and the Hierarchy of Needs theory remains valid today for understanding human motivation, management training, and personal development. Indeed, Maslow's ideas surrounding the Hierarchy of Needs concerning the responsibility of employers to provide a workplace environment that encourages and enables employees to fulfil their own unique potential (self-actualization) are today more relevant than ever. Abraham Maslow's book Motivation and Personality, published in 1954 (second edition 1970) introduced the Hierarchy of Needs, and Maslow extended his ideas in other work, notably his later book Toward A Psychology Of Being, a significant and relevant commentary, which has been revised in recent times by Richard Lowry, who is in his own right a leading academic in the field of motivational psychology.

Each human being is motivated by needs. Our most basic needs are inborn, having evolved over tens of thousands of years. Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs helps to explain how these needs motivate us all.
Hierarchy of Needs - Physiological needs
These are the very basic needs such as air, water, food, sleep, sex, etc. When these are not satisfied we may feel sickness, irritation, pain, discomfort, etc. These feelings motivate us to alleviate them as soon as possible to establish homeostasis. Once they are alleviated, we may think about other things.

Hierarchy of Needs - Safety needs
These have to do with establishing stability and consistency in a chaotic world. These needs are mostly psychological in nature. We need the security of a home and family. However, if a family is dysfunction, i.e., an abusive husband, the wife cannot move to the next level because she is constantly concerned for her safety. Love and belongingness have to wait until she is no longer cringing in fear. Many in our society cry out for law and order because they do not feel safe enough to go for a walk in their neighborhood.

Hierarchy of Needs - Love and belongingness needs
These are next on the ladder. Humans have a desire to belong to groups: clubs, work groups, religious groups, family, gangs, etc. We need to feel loved (non-sexual) by others, to be accepted by others. Performers appreciate applause. We need to be needed.

Hierarchy of Needs - Self-Esteem needs
There are two types of esteem needs. First is self-esteem which results from competence or mastery of a task. Second, there's the attention and recognition that comes from others. This is similar to the belongingness level, however, wanting admiration has to do with the need for power.

Hierarchy of Needs - The need for self-actualization
This is "the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming." People who have everything can maximize their potential. They can seek knowledge, peace, esthetic experiences, self-fulfillment, oneness with God, etc.
It's a great things if we can follow to cover our needs step by step from bottom, so can learn what kind of life is.

So, where is your position in Maslow Theory?
If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life. (Abraham Maslow)
Resources & more readings:

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Graduated from Electrical Engineering UGM

Official PhotoFinally, at 23 Nopember 2005 I graduated from Electrical Engineering Gadjah Mada University. Now I got my name with added S.T. (Sarjana Teknik) suffix, so my name become Wahyu Wijanarko, S.T. Hehe, not too bad. I'm very happy with this predicate. Thanks Jesus for let me take this position. For my parents at Ngentakrejo Village, thanks for ur support.

I'm now looking for master scholarship in Management, or Information Technology. Talked with Mr. Prastowo, head of IT Centre UGM maybe I can apply for 'parent scholarship'. I'm sure thet he just kidding about this, and he gave me some advice and information about scholarship. Till now, I still don't mind to get funding from my parent for my next degree, maybe this thing become last alternative if i really want this degree. Maybe self scholarship? Also Mbak Rika from MPKD UGM talked to me about scholarship in architecture related in AIT Thailand. Hmm, it's nice, and I still find out more information about this opportunity, since i'm very full with work at Jogja. Anyway, thanks Mbak Rika for great advice and help :)

Now, i'm spending all my time by working at Global Intermedia as Business Development Manager. I'm managing this company business to business, including finance and PR. For further information about this company, u can visit it's website, or contact me.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Seven Spiritual laws of Success by Deepak Chopra

ChopraI already read book authored by Deepak Chopra that said about Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.

The meaning of success is the continued expansion of happiness and the progressive realization of worthy goals by honoring others.

Success is a life filled with appreciation and gratitude. You could say the real meaning of Success is the ability to fulfill your desires effortlessly and with ease. Yet success- all by itself, including the creation of wealth, has been considered by some to be a process that requires hard work, and it is often considered by some to be at the expense of others.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success offers a different perspective on the attainment of success compared to many other works. Chopra's structure follows a section of explanation followed by a summarised step by step guide for us to follow allowing us to put his words easily into practice, if we wish. Chopra guides us through laws such as 'The Law of Pure Potentiality' to 'The Law of Dharma' – or purpose in life. He reflects on the effect of silence and meditation in our lives, the act of giving and practising acceptance and the importance of being aware of choices - to name but a few. He writes of how thinking and our behaviour are always in anticipation of a response and therefore we often live life in fear. He talks of how practising non-judgement can be beneficial in our lives and frequently explains his points vividly through use of simile. This book has been enthusiastically described as a treasury of secrets which can make your dreams come true. Maybe this is an exaggerated viewpoint but one thing is for certain, Chopra has a lot of wisdom and good ideas to offer.

1. The Law of Pure Potentiality
The source of all creation is pure consciousness... pure potentiality seeking expression from the un-manifest to the manifest. When we realize that our true self is one of pure potentiality, we align with the power that manifests everything in the universe.

2. The Law of Giving
The universe operates through dynamic exchange.... giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. And in our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives.

3. The Law of Cause and Effect
Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind.... what we sow is what we reap. And when we choose actions that bring happiness and success to others, the fruit of our action is happiness and success.

4. The law of Least Effort
Nature's intelligence functions with effortless ease.... with care-freeness, harmony, and love. When we harness the forces of harmony, joy, and love, we create success and good fortune with effortless ease.

5. The Law of Intention and Desire
Inherent in every intention and desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment... intention and desire in the field of pure potentiality have infinite power. When we introduce an intention in the fertile ground of pure potentiality, we put this infinite organizing power to work for us.

6. The Law of Detachment
In detachment lies the wisdom of uncertainty..... in the wisdom of uncertainty lies the freedom from our past, from the known, which is the prison of past conditioning. in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe.

7. The Law of Purpose in Life
Everyone has a purpose in life... a unique gift or special talent to give to others. When we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals.

From Amazon:
In the very long run Mr. Chopra is right; security, of course, is an illusion. Something (illness, death, etc.) sooner or later will make you feel insecure -- but in the meantime a big pile of cash will make you feel more secure and each and every day you will be better able to really enjoy the present as Deepak wants you to.
What I take about this book: Great book, open my mind about how to love and share each other.


Friday, November 18, 2005

What Make a Leader

When think leadership I remember John C Maxwell. His book about leadership is inspiring me in my life. His writings open my minds about leadership.
Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.
I also got noticed how to have great teamwork, it's not about my position in a team but about how to reach the goal together. I learn and learn. This is like a long journey for me. I believe that I should fill this life with something usefull for me and for others. From me:
A leader is person who can make everyone and everything move into the right way

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Agung Ariansyah Married

PPTIK UGM team at Saturday 12 November 2005 went to Kediri to celebrate Agung Ariansyah a.k.a Mas Sidoe who want to 'finish his virgin' or it's common to be called married with his new wife, Mbak Yulia. Kediri is about 5 hours using shuttle bus from Yogyakarta.

We going at 08.30, with Mercedes Benz AB 50 AE that owned by Gadjah Mada University.
Preparing to Kediri

Monday, November 7, 2005

Teens Blog Habits According Survey

According to the survey, 1 of 5 teens who using internet connection have a blog.
Researchers note that the main reason teens are drawn to blogs is a wish to keep in touch with one another.

"Blogging for teens is about staying tuned into their friendship networks, not about politics or people getting in trouble at school, which are two of the main narratives that journalists have covered in recent months," says Amanda Lenhart, a senior researcher at Pew who helped compile the report.
Although my age is over 20, I'm still smell like teen spirits :D

Read More:
The Associated Press on MSN

Thursday, November 3, 2005

Happy Idul Fitri 1426 Hijriyah

Just got Short Message Service (SMS) from my friend to my cellphone number (+628121586974) and also Sulis, my friend from SMU 1 Bantul, and I translated into English and maybe like this:
White like HEROIN,
Crystal clear like VODKA,
Fragnant like CANNABIS
Please forgive me even my fault only as little as EXTACY...
Happy Idul Fitri 1426 Hijriyah!

Thesis about Software Metrics

Thesis PaperI wrote thesis about Software Metrics written in Indonesian language. Here is the abstract:

Software metrics is used to measure various aspects of software development process. Measure is very useful to determine, for instance, how much effort have been expended upon a development project.
This topic essentially applies metrics calculation techniques to real software development projects. Software metrics used to estimate effort spent in software development project.
The result of this research is a guidelines that can be used to estimate effort of software development project in man-hours.

Abstract in Indonesian:
Metrik perangkat lunak digunakan untuk mengukur berbagai macam aspek dari proses pengembangan perangkat lunak. Pengukuran sangat berguna untuk mengetahui, salah satunya adalah besar usaha yang diperlukan dalam suatu proyek pengembangan perangkat lunak.
Topik ini membahas penggunaan kalkulasi metrik pada pengembangan perangkat lunak nyata. Metrik perangkat lunak digunakan untuk melakukan estimasi usaha yang diperlukan dalam proyek pengembangan perangkat lunak.
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah berupa petunjuk-petunjuk yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan estimasi besar usaha dalam proyek pengembangan perangkat lunak yang dihitung dalam satuan orang-jam.

Download proposal, full thesis, and paper here:

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Other Side of Robert T Kiyosaki

Kiyosaki BookRobert Kiyosaki is best-known for his books on investing. His first bestseller was titled Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and is an attempt to change the mindset of the average employee.

Since 1999, marketer, investor, and real estate business man, John T. Reed did the investigation through Kiyosaki's articles and history. Then he wrote in

I just quote some, and maybe I encourage readers to read more regarding this in John T Reed website. And to make it fair read also the answer of Kiyosaki in Master Mind Forum.

A number of people have asked me about Robert T. Kiyosaki and his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. When I said I didn’t think he was a real-estate guru, a number of people insisted he was. Several told me I would like him, that he preaches a message like mine. Eager to find such a guru, I bought his book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad in a bookstore.
I interested with this one since I was reading newspaper from Harian Bisnis Indonesia regarding insider trading. Some of the Kiyosaki articles said that insider trading is legal:
There are forms of insider trading that are legal
Then John T. Reed have comment like this:
It is generally illegal to buy or sell stock when you are in possession of material, nonpublic information about the corporation in question. The only legal insider trading is non-short-sale trading which is done by an insider who is registered with the SEC, reports his trades within ten days after the end of the month in which the trades occurred, and who did not have material, nonpublic information at the time of the trades.
What I think?

From here, I just learn that we should read and know another side of a book or author before follow the ideas in that book. It will make fair, so we can decide who is right, or maybe just take what is right for us.

How about you?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005 Golden Ticket

Today I got Golden Ticket into my inbox:
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away you entered your email address on to get a blog.

We're now inviting small groups to use and your email address was selected today!

Visit this address to get started:

While you're on a string of good luck it might be a good day to buy a lottery ticket. Better move fast though, because this invite will expire in a week, no exceptions.

The Team
I gave it a try at Nice admin panel, and of course different with mine here.

I agree with regarding this:
  • The installation was dead easy. Pick a username and title, enter your email address. Done.
  • Nice new colour scheme — bolder, more teal than grey. The dashboard looks a lot cleaner, and it’s far more welcoming than Wordpress. That’s important if it’s going to compete with Blogger.
  • The default theme is Kubrick, and there’s a nifty menu to choose one of 8 themes. Unfortunately, there’s no scope to customise them in any meaningful way. Hopefully that will change in the near future.
  • It includes 25MB of space for file uploads, including images, movies and MP3s (with a cap of 1.5MB per file). It’s a good idea — 25MB is enough for many people, and paid plans to expand that storage would give the service a viable income stream. Of course, you can use sites like Flickr to host your pictures, too.
  • The interface is based on WordPress 1.6, which is still in alpha — but this version is very polished. The WYSIWYG editor produces pretty good code, although I had a bit of trouble with the separator. You can always change back to the old “raw” input, on a per-user basis.
  • At least, the options say Personal Options (including rich v plain editor) “are just for you, they don’t affect other users on blog.” But I can’t work out how to add multiple users. I guess that’s a feature that hasn’t been implemented yet, so group blogs are ruled out for now. (However, the new user system in 1.6 is pretty sweet, and I expect it will find its way onto when the rough edges are knocked off.)
  • One concern I’ve got is comment spam. Although the new service appears to have the same “spam words” interface as WordPress, it really needs plugins to do a thorough job. The increase of spam on Blogger blogs shows that this will be a real problem, and it’d be nice to know what is going on behind the scenes to filter spam.
  • Come to think of it, there’s no way to use plugins at all. That’s one of the biggest benefits of using WordPress (or Movable Type) instead of Blogger. It’d be great to see them allow plugins in future, though it would no doubt pose some technical/security difficulties.
  • The invite system is integrated with your blogroll, so you can tick a box and the invitee will be added to your blogroll automatically when they activate their account. Nice touch.
I still have an invitation, if interested can contact me. I’d really like to give the invite to a commenter (or a lurker, for that matter) who wants to give blogging a burl. They’ll jump the queue ahead of people who are already blogging.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Success Story & Personal Goals

What is success definition? I asking each other then get so many kind of answers. Then I looked at the Internet and found like this:

suc·cess (s?k-s?s')
  1. n. The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted: attributed their success in business to hard work.
    • The gaining of fame or prosperity: an artist spoiled by success.
    • The extent of such gain.
  2. One that is successful: The plan was a success.
  3. Obsolete. A result or an outcome.
From Google:
  • an event that accomplishes its intended purpose; "let's call heads a success and tails a failure"; "the election was a remarkable success for Republicans"
  • an attainment that is successful; "his success in the marathon was unexpected"; "his new play was a great success"
  • a state of prosperity or fame; "he is enjoying great success"; "he does not consider wealth synonymous with success"
  • achiever: a person with a record of successes; "his son would never be the achiever that his father was"; "only winners need apply"; "if you want to be a success you have to dress like a success.
For me, success not a state of prosperity or fame. Success have correspondent with goal. I believe that everyone have their own success, because each people have his/her own goal. For example, a student may set a goal of getting a high mark in an exam. An athlete might push himself to walk five miles a day. A traveler might try to reach his destination city within three hours. That called personal goals. I 'm not talking about big goals in an organization, I'm just trying to talk about personal goals.

Managing our goals is a very powerful technique that can give us strong returns in all areas of our life. By knowing precisely what we want to achieve, we know what we have to concentrate on and improve. Goal setting gives us long-term vision and short-term motivation. It focuses our acquisition of knowledge and helps us to organize our resources. By setting clearly defined goals, we can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals. We can see forward progress in what might previously have seemed a long pointless grind.

Goal management should always include:
  • Time management
  • Frequent reconsideration (consistent check)
  • Feasibility check
  • Adjusting milestones and main goal target
To reach very complex and difficult goals like obtaining straight A-grades not only in a single exam, but continuously is a difficult task that few can achieve. Start define and writing our short term goals, then long term goals, then get ways to achieve it.

Let me try step by step, ok?

Some materials taken from Wikipedia: Success

Saturday, October 22, 2005

The 7 Habits and Personal Effectiveness

When learning leadership, i remember about Stephen Covey with his book "7 habits for highly effective people". In his #1 bestseller, Stephen R. Covey presented a framework for personal effectiveness.

Why 7? not 8, 9, or another number? I don't know, but from my own opinion, maybe he inspired by number '7', that represent so many luck. From what I read from so many religius books, including Holy Bible using number 7. Number 7 is lucky number ya? lol, coz that number is my birthday :D

Ok, lah. Forget about why 7 etc. Just read from so many literature, "the 7 habits" is evry popular then so many people create writings using that phrase, including an article about computer Seven habits of effective text editing.

In my opinion, if you want become effective leader, u should learn how to communicate with others, and how to manage good relationship. From the beginning of world, finding good relationship is the problem itself. So many war, and the other bad thing, that happen and written in history happen because lack of communication.

From day to day, I just want to have wisdom to solve problem one by one. Good relationship & communication plus wisdom are the effective ways to have good living, and make all of our work become effective.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Rain Season Started

Today rain very strong, and I forgot using my mantle. I'm using motorcycle for transport everywhere in Jogja City. So, how to manage body health when it in rain season? I do some:

Get enough vitamin and ion
I usually drink vitamin C, and also drik ORALIT, coz it will give me enough vitamin to protect my body and ORALIT give me enough ion with cheap price, hehehe...

Keep dry
Using mantle when rain and u ride motorcycle, or not go out when it rain except u using a car.

Sleep Enough
Sleep enough to recover my health.

This is what I hate. Go to fitness centre. Hehe long time I'm not go there, then I''m fat now, and already join perutnyempluk club :D
Just imagine that u will meet so many sexy girls, you will have motivation to go fitness centre ;)

Saturday, October 15, 2005

IT and Spiritual Marketing

From Hermawan Kartajaya blog, he wrote about IQ, EQ, and SQ.
IQ (Intellectual) is MINDWARE, EQ (Emotional) is HEARTWARE, SQ (Spiritual) is SOULWARE, All in all he call it The HUMANWARE. And to do spiritual marketing, people must use their HUMANWARE.
And in his other post, he mention about PQ (Physical). For me, IQ, EQ, and SQ is most important.

Make it perfect with PQ! Since my main bussiness is in Information Technology, we can keep everything with something that I call it as an IT ATTITUDE. So how?

IQ: Give Smart Solutions for Client Problem
Beside we listen what client want, we should keep smart to give client a way to solve their problem. Sometimes client doesn't know what kind of software or IT they need. They just follow mode?

EQ: Keep Everyone Smile
When software development goes crazy, keep everyone smile. Keep client smile, with giving good product. Keep client smile when we get overtime in development process. Keep development team smile even they in very tight deadline! Once u lost a smile, u lost everything!

SQ: Keep the Truth
Sometimes people sacrifice the truth to reach everything. Wow, that very bad! Next time I believe that u'll get what u spread! Keep the truth is like keep everything informed about the development progress without lie. In IT development, client and developer become one team to reach the goal. It's better to make everyone in team know & then help to solve the problem, than we get an 'big bang' in the end. Just remember it: lie can make everything worse.
Otherwise, for project manager or for company, keep ur price 'normal', not too expensive and not too cheap. Expensive mean that what client get is worse than amount that client pay. Cheap mean that software developer get loss in the project. If good pricing (win-win solution) cannot reached, at least everyone can get 'hapy-hapy solution'.

PQ: Keep Good Product
Everyone can know the product value when they see or use the product. Keep the quality to make good product. Good interface & good functionality are what people see on an IT product.

With high quality product i'm sure that old customers will get back to you soon to give you a new lead and new customers.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Me & Procrastination

Few months ago Mas Sidoe gave me form to test how I manage time, and how I do all my job. He said that it's all about a word "Procrastination".
Procrastination is the deferment or putting-off of an action or task, usually by focusing on some other distraction (compare temporisation). It is Latin for "foremorrowing," or making some such of tomorrow.
I read Riyono's blog, and then realized that he also wrote about procrastination. I hate it although I usually do that.

The allure of putting off an unpleasant task is pervasive in our society, a fact which has given rise to jokes and cliches such as "never put off until tomorrow that which you can put off until the day after tomorrow". Procrastination can be as benign as waiting until the last minute to file one's taxes, or never cleaning out the garage. But procrastination can be a persistent trait in some people, known as chronic procrastinators. In these people, it can be a self-destructive state where the procrastinator can get nothing accomplished on time, resulting in serious career struggles, persistent financial problems, and diminished quality of life.

Think that it a bad habit, that should be eliminated from our daily life. I believe we can do everything better and more effective if we can leave procrastination.

More readings:

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Linux Shell Programming Book

Finally, I wrote a little book about Linux Shell Programming. It writen in Indonesian language titled "Pemrograman Shell di Linux" and published by Andi Publisher at August 2005.

Here is the summary about this book in Bahasa Indonesia:

Linux Shell Book ScreenshotPemrograman Shell di Linux
ISBN 979-731-809-5
Author: Wahyu Wijanarko
14 x 21 cm, viii + 72 hlm
Cetakan I, 2005

Shell merupakan salah satu kekuatan yang membuat sistem Linux menjadi powerfull, betenaga, dan dapat diandalkan untuk segala macam aktifitas komputasi. Shell inilah yang menjadi salah satu tulang punggung jalannya sistem-sistem yang ada pada Linux. Buku ini memaparkan secara singkat bagaimana cara membuat dan menggunakan suatu program Shell di Linux.

Pokok-pokok bahasan:
  • Pengantar Shell
  • Menggunakan Editor
  • Perintah Dasar di Linux
  • Variable dan Operasi Aritmatika
  • Parameter
  • Filter Teks dan Ekpresi Reguler
  • Kontrol Aliran
  • Struktur Perulangan
  • Input dan Output
  • Subrutin atau Fungsi
  • Contoh Program Shell
More Information About This Book

Friday, June 3, 2005

Internship to Create Our Own Linux Distro

InternshipI have done an internship during the period 7th April 2005 to 6th May 2005 at Yogyakarta, with Plastic Soldier Factory Pte Ltd, a company which is located in Singapore. My online supervisor in work was Benjamin. My main activity in company was to create prototype of Linux distribution, called easyPC, over the internet.

I am very grateful to Audrey Koh & Budi Wijaya, as Directors of Plastic Soldier Factory Pte Ltd, for giving me the opportunity to do internship with the company. I am also very grateful to Dr. Ir. Tumiran M.Eng, as Head of Electrical Engineering Department, for giving me permission to do internship, and also to my lecturer, Sri Suning Kusumawardani, ST, MT for assisting me during the period.

The objective of this report is to describe development process of designing an easy-to-use interface Linux distro for senior citizens who are first-time computer users, covering especially the development processes at Plastic Soldier Factory Pte. Ltd, Singapore.

Here is my full internship report: